University-Wide General Education Goals

University-wide education goals are met through a network of curricula that embrace our mission and values while preserving the distinctiveness of each academic unit. 
Graduates of Alfred University will:
  • Demonstrate expanded cultural and global awareness and cultural sensitivity
  • Recognize values, ethics, and diverse perspectives
  • Integrate knowledges critically and analytically
  • Communicate proficiently in writing, and orally
  • Demonstrate scientific and quantitative reasoning
  • Describe and explain the interconnections among physical fitness, healthy lifestyle decisions, and well-being across the lifespan
  • The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences/Performing Arts Division's curricula addresses the university general education goals through both a breadth of study and the depth offered in the majors
  • The College of Business fosters general education outcomes through both a strong liberal arts foundation and contemporary, innovative courses that prepare students for professional careers
  • The Inamori School of Engineering embeds university general education goals in its inquiry-based programs to prepare technically proficient and broadly educated engineers and scientists
  • The School of Art and Design incorporates university general education goals throughout its multi-disciplinary First Year Foundations of Art & Design curriculum that cultivates art & design practice and research
The goals are further supported through the university libraries and Student Experience programming.

Through meeting these common general education goals, all Alfred University students develop social responsibility and the ability to use intellectual, practical and creative skills in problem solving. AU graduates are well-educated, independent thinkers prepared for a rapidly changing world and lives of continuous intellectual and personal growth.